Kansas State University Math Department Homework System


I have helped continue to build the m100 algebra course online homework system. For each question we need to construct the generate, grading, second grading and help section using php. Here is the offical site Online Homework.

Sample Code:

step1 php project

Picture One:

The list of algebra question sets.

step1 php project

Picture Two:

Php generate random question under certain requirements. solve and store the answer.

step1 php project

Picture Three:

Grade the first time, show students which one is wrong and which one is right. Give them one more chance to revise their answer.

step1 php project

Picture Four:

Final Grade. Give the correct answer of each question. Provide Help section for each wrong questions.

step1 php project

Picture Five:

This is the help section created base on each random question.

step1 php project